What comes after Atomic Design?

Atomic Design

At Pegasus we have been hard at work thinking through the outlining of terms and taxonomy about design systems. While we love the focus Atomic Design method has brought to systems thinking we have the levels of complexity difficult for some teams to fully grasp. Searching for something more functional we brainstormed and this is what came out.

Functional Design Method

Style Guide

  • Principles
  • Brandmark
  • Usage guides
  • Typography
  • Color
  • Voice & Tone
  • Examples

Visual Assets

  • Illustrations
  • Photography
  • Iconography

Design Tokens

  • Typography
  • Color
  • Spacing
  • Depth
  • Sound

Core Components

  • Categories
    • Data Entry
    • Data Display
    • Data Visualization
    • Elevated
  • Types
  • Functional Components
  • Configuration Components
  • Theme Components


  • Categories
    • Shared 
    • Marketing
    • Ecommerce
  • Types
    • Micro 
    • Macro
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