Pro UX Wireframing

The Low Fidelity wireframing and prototyping library crafted around you.

Save countless hours with swift and consistent prototyping.

A low-fidelity component system for building IA concepts in Figma.


Component States


Layout Stickers


Sitemap Connectors

Full Set

Custom Icons

Craft what matters.


Prototyping Power

Stop wasting time on trivial work and boost your ability to craft on what matters most.

  • Complete form buttons and inputs.
  • Native & Web platform coverage.
  • Custom app components.
  • Documentation elements

Flexible theming

Eliminate design fragmentation and quickly transform components into unique branded products.

  • Typography
  • Color Palettes
  • Custom Icons
  • Easy to update

Production examples

To help imagine all that can be designed with Pegasus, we included popular layout examples made for desktop and mobile too.

  • Full Landing Pages
  • Dashboards & login
  • Native app screens
Speed to Market

For all project sizes

No matter whether you are testing a quick spark of inspiration or crafting a complete product flow LowFlow has you covered for your wireframing needs.

  • Clear Organization
  • Accessible Contrast
  • Mix and Match Elements

Mobile Included

To help imagine all that can be designed with Pegasus, we included popular layout examples made for desktop and mobile too.

  • App & Website Stickers
  • Project Sitemap
  • User Journey Map

Bringing design & development ideas to life.

In a fast paced environment itโ€™s key to be able to filter ideas through research testing quickly. Working with Low Fidelity allows you to gain insight from stakeholders without throwing them off with stylistic details. With LowFlow you can move from the problem to the solution space faster than ever before.


Start creating today!



Fly solo and crush design projects with ease.

  • For Figma
  • 40+ Component States
  • 40+ Layout Stickers
  • Media Placeholders
  • Full Custom Icons
  • Desktop & Mobile

Get Pro



All the power of Pegasus with no limits on team size.

  • For Figma
  • 40+ Component States
  • 40+ Layout Stickers
  • Media Placeholders
  • Full Custom Icons
  • Desktop & Mobile
  • Unlimited Users

Get Enterprise